In watching him interact with kids I always knew Jacob would be a good dad, but I had not seen him around babies so I didn't know the calming effect he had on them. It didn't take long to see what a GREAT Dad he is to Ryker. They have such a close bond and seem to have it right from the start. I admire the way Jacob can take Ryker when he is extremely fussy or very upset and hungry and calm him in seconds. As we found out the other day, he doesn't even have to be in the same room as Ryker. I was at my Mom and Dad's house and Ryker was starting to get really fussy. Jacob happened to call and I put the phone up to Ryker's ear and the second Jacob said his name, Ryker calmed down and turned his head towards the phone to find his dad. I know it was in no way coincidental, but was Jacob's ability to calm Ryker just by talking to him.
Jacob loves to show off his baby boy and is beginning to teach him everything he knows starting with his ABC's and 123's. They have a great time together as they get the mail, feed the dogs and clean out the chicken coop. Yes, you read it right we have chickens. They are Jacob's second pride and joy (Ryker being the first), but we'll save that story for another time.
Jacob is the best Dad and husband any two people could ask for. He has been so great with Ryker and I as we all learn to adjust to our new life together.
Thanks for all you do. We love you more than you know!!!!
It is so cute to watch Jacob with Ryker.
Package that little bundle of joy up and send him to me!!
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