Wednesday, July 14, 2010

First motorcycle ride

This picture was supposed to be at the end and I deleted it, but couldn't leave it out. I love his big eyes and the "did you see what I just did" expression.

While hanging out at Grammy and Poppy's on Father's Day we decided Ryker could go on his first motorcycle ride. He LOVES sitting on any motorcycle, but he seems to especially love Poppy's (maybe because he didn't know at that time that his dad has one too). Grammy and Poppy bought a harness so the grand kids could go on rides with Poppy. Ryker wasn't too excited about getting all strapped in, but once he sat on the bike all that pain and torture was no longer as bad as he thought it was.

We ALWAYS wear our helmet.....unless you're Poppy :)

Here's a quick movie of Ryker riding around the circle.


willujfan said...

That first pic is awesome!

Ken said...

Taking the grand-kids for a ride it GOOD FUN!!