I can't believe how quickly Ryker is growing up. He amazes us more and more every day with the things he learns. He is starting to get to toys out of his reach either by doing a tummy wiggle thing or rolling. I've only noticed he's done a complete roll three times, so he hasn't quite mastered that yet. He is getting more coordinated and will shake the rattles and actually play with the toys. The last few days he has discovered he has a voice and he can make a lot of cool sounds. He's trying out the alphabet and is loving it. It's not going to be too much longer before he starts putting the sounds together and making words.
I love watching him grow and discover new things, but at the same time I always want him to be my little baby boy.
Ryker definitely loves his dad and they are just so cute together. Jacob can get him to laugh at almost anything he does. It is so amazing watching them together and knowing they are mine and will always be.